Thursday 12 November 2009

Time flies

I'm constantly amazed at how quickly the days are slipping away. It's six weeks since I left work and it feels like only six days. I enjoyed my job and was rarely a clock watcher (except on days when I was very hungover) but the quickening of time is a common theme amongst other unemployed friends I've spoken to, even if we're not lying in until noon, just having that structure taken away seems to stretch out the day.

If I was spending all day in bed I might understand it, but I'm not. I might still be in my PJs at 3pm but I've been at my computer since 9, and have barely had time to even glance at TMZ!

I've always craved a life where I can do what I like and answer to nobody, but I'm only just learning to live with the reality of life without an obvious routine. And ironically the only way to live with it is to create your own routine.

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