Wednesday, 10 March 2010
The slow down
Nearly six months after I found myself dumped on the unemployment pile along with thousands of others, I guess I can now officially call myself a 'freelance journalist' and not a dolely, although sometimes I can't see much difference between the two situations.
My work has slowed down this week, so 'freelancing' today has seen me play tennis, make bread and watch several episodes of the original Brideshead Revisited, which at 11 episodes long could be responsible for too many afternoons on the sofa and not at my desk.
One thing that has changed is where my head's at. Last October, newly jobless and thrown into a freelance world I didn't understand, I went into panic mode. I'd get up each morning with good intentions, determined that my life would change that day, only to slope off to bed mid-afternoon disillusioned that my emails and phone calls were once again being completely ignored.
This time I'm going to enjoy the days I'm not having to traipse into an office and focus my getting work efforts in a less rabbit in a headlights fashion.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Time flies
Monday, 2 November 2009
Going bananas
Banana bread has always been a baking fail for me. Last time I attempted it I didn't grease the tin - yes, yes I know, but it's the dullest part of baking - I always used to get my mum to do it when I was a young baker, ha! Inevitably the bread wasn't budging when it came out the oven, so it was less a loaf of bread and more a piles of crumbs.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Forming apart
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
"Avoid employing unlucky people - throw half of the pile of CVs in the bin without reading them"

I spent most of yesterday being motivated by people who are paid a lot of money to tweek CVs and say things like 'personal stocktaking'.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Loafing about
The best thing about 'working' from home, other than getting to watch period dramas all day, is being able to cook and bake inbetween updating my CV.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Sign On, Sign Out
I’m now officially another statistic, having added another number to the growing unemployed. I was expecting to walk in a loonie bin, but Finsbury Park Job Centre was remarkably civilized. Disappointedly there was only one mad old fella barking down the phone and even he was saner than some people I’ve spent time in an office with. Unemployed people! Just like me! Time to bin that snotty attitude me thinks.
Being made redundant has thrown open a whole new world, which is both exciting and daunting. The thought of the world being my oyster makes my head spin so much that when I start thinking about all I could do, I get so overcome, I have to go and hide under my duvet. But lying in bed isn’t going to get me a job or send me to Peru.
Unexpectedly, the trip to sign on actually fired me up. I even got through the day without seeking solace under the covers. Maybe it’s the thought of a whole £60 a week coming my way. Think of all the lentils I could buy with that.